You can get a free .edu email by visiting the university website, filling out student data as a US student, including details like name and phone number, and applying.
If you’re not a US student, you can still attempt to get a .edu email by adding fake details, like a fake US name and address, during the application process, potentially receiving approval and the .edu email details via email after a few hours or days.
Edu Email Address Example:
The EDU email address is normally issued to staff and students by school and University authorities. Its username should look like others but most of the time, EDU has an extension with “.edu”.
If you want to get an example then your school or university .edu email ID may come in the format of “[email protected]”.
For example, John is from Oxford University, and his new student email ID should look like “[email protected]” or be related to this.
Every student should have an EDU email because it would help with financial aid applications and scholarships.
Free Edu Email Generator:
There are many sites with .edu that provide free email and if you’re one of those then you can legally avail of that on your behalf. However, if not then also you can get one free Edu email for yourself with a few steps.
To create a free .edu email address,
🔴 Steps To Follow:
Step 1: Firstly, go to the official website of the VCCS institution and create an account.
Step 2: You can create fake details from further given links and save them for further process.
Step 3: On the website, choose a new user, and tap Sign up with an email. Then, fill in the details you created in columns and leave the optional columns, First name and last name, and date of birth.
Step 4: Furthermore, write the fake email address. Then, create any username and any random passwords.
Step 5: Besides, select a question: write a random answer and select an option in ‘How did you hear about this site?‘.
Step 6: Tick Agree and Submit. After that, on the redirect page and then tap Continue.
Step 7: Select any college and Tap on “Start my application“.
Step 8: Write the same as the below details and leave all optional columns:
◘ Name and birthdate already filled.
◘ No to another preferred name.
◘ Leave tax ID and SSN and tick the “I would rather not tell my SSN…”.
◘ Gender: Male/Female.
◘ Hispanic or Latino: choose No
◘ Racial or ethnic identification: Tick the White
◘ Have you ever applied: choose No. Then, click Save and Continue.
Step 9: Write a fake address and Email you created in columns. Choose yes for the same permanent address.
Furthermore, Any random digits in the phone number. Then, Click Agree, Save, and continue.
Step 10: Write the same as below mentioned:
◘ Which high school education: Tick on “I don’t have a GED/High …….”
◘ Highest grade completed: 11th grade.
◘ Have attended other colleges: No
◘ Planned to earn a degree: No
◘ I plan to start class: Select any class option. Then, click Save and Continue.
Step 11: Then, Choose no in all military options and Click Save and Continue.
Step 12: Write the same as below mentioned:
◘ Parents 1 and 2: Select any
◘ What is your current status: Other not listed above
◘ Primary language: English
◘ Save and continue.
How you hear about college:
Step 13: Further, enter a fake name you used in the signature and click Submit now.
Step 14: Note the User ID and password and click on “Go to my student account“.
Finally, login and change the temp password, and Now you have a .edu Email address, use how you want to use it.
⭐️ Benefits of Having .edu Email
There are a lot more benefits to having the Edu email for yourself. Let’s discuss some of the main benefits you will receive by using .edu Email ID:
1. Google G Suite for Education
◘ Google offers special privileges to students through its G Suite Education Account which offers 5 TB of storage.
◘ You can save thousands of photos, videos, favorite movies, and any documents without running out of space.
◘ Your account will stay activated till the expiry of your .edu account.
2. Autodesk
◘ When students register on Autodesk through the .edu email id, Autodesk offers a high number of free software and licenses.
◘ By sign-in to their official website:, you can download software for free.
3. Amazon Prime
◘ When any student creates an Amazon account through Edu email id, they get a 6-month free subscription to Amazon prime with all the exclusive prime day deals.
◘ In addition, Amazon offers free 2 days of delivery on every product order.
◘ You can store unlimited photos on the photos dashboard of amazon prime.
◘ Besides, amazon gives access to unlimited streaming of your favorite shows, movies, and music.
4. Microsoft Office and Azure
◘ Microsoft offers huge discounts on many products with an Edu email id and a bundle of software for free for students and teachers. Such as Office 365 is free to students.
◘ By signing up as a Microsoft azure student, you get $100 free credit in your azure student account.
◘ In addition, RDP can be created for enjoying cloud services and free usage of this process.
Many institutions use Microsoft Office 365 to give personalized email IDs which you possibly receive after registering for classes.
5. Github Student Developer Pack
You can freely access the GitHub Student Developer Pack by having a .edu Email id. You will get some extra benefits mentioned below:
◘ Amazon AWS Free unlimited usage coupon worth $15 for every feature of Github.
◘ A HackHands coupon worth $25 is a 24/7 programming platform to help people.
◘ Students get 15,000 free emails per month at SendGrid.
◘ Students can buy a.ME domain under NameCheap, which is worth $18.99 for 1 year, and get a free SSL Certificate which is worth $10 per year.
◘ Free business plans through Bitnami for one year for students who study business. Thus a subscription is usually worth $49 per month.
◘ Digitalocean offers a $50 coupon, which you can use within 12 months from the activation timing.
◘ Free personal hosted DNS on DNSimple for 2 years, which is worth $5 per month.
◘ It offers full access to the Crowdflower Platform.
◘ You receive full access to the developer account on Orchestrate. It was worth $49 per month.
◘ Free access to Microsoft Azure Cloud Services, Developer Tools, and a full version of Visual Studio.