Why Can I Only Follow Someone On Facebook | Instead Of Add Friend

There are some profiles for whom you can’t send friend requests due to privacy, those display the follow button and if you tap on it then he will be in your following list.

The people you send friend requests to, come under the following list of your Facebook profile even if the request is pending.

If you see the ‘Following’ on someone’s profile that means you’ve followed the person or sent a friend request and once he accepts that you will be still a follower of that person.

Why Can I Only Follow Someone On Facebook:

These are the following reasons why you see only the ‘Follow’ button but not any ‘Add friend’ option.

1. Enabled The Follow Feature

If you see that you can only follow someone on Facebook, it means that they have enabled the “Follow” feature on their profile.

This feature allows people to follow someone’s public updates without having to add them as friends.

So, if you follow someone on Facebook, you will see their public posts in your News Feed, but you won’t have access to their private information or be able to send them messages.

You should know that people can choose to limit their profile to only allow friends or friends of friends to follow them.

2. For Its Privacy Settings

If you see that you cannot send a friend request to someone on Facebook but are only finding a Follow button instead, it’s because of the user’s privacy to receive friend requests only from friends of friends. As you don’t have any mutual friends with the user you’re not able to send the person a friend request on Facebook.

For Its Privacy Settings

You will not be able to send him a friend request to add the user to your friend list unless the person changes his privacy settings to receive requests from everyone. You can send a message to the user asking him to change his privacy so that you can send him a friend request.

3. That is A Page Not Profile

On Facebook, you can’t send a friend request to a  Facebook page. If you’re looking for the Add Friend button on a Facebook page, then you won’t find it as Facebook pages cannot be added to your friend list but you can follow them by clicking on the blue Follow button if you’re interested in the page’s content.

That is A Page Not Profile

Only if it’s a profile of an individual on Facebook, you’ll get the Add Friend button to send the user a friend request.

Why Does It Say Follow Instead Of Add Friend On Facebook:

If you have any friends on Facebook who are not friends with you but you can still see their posts, it’s because they have chosen to use the “Follow” option instead of “Add Friend”. This means that you can follow their public posts without sending them a friend request.

This option is often used by people who want to keep their personal Facebook mainly for close friends and family. If you notice that someone has the “Follow” option enabled on their profile, you can simply click “Follow” to see their public updates without becoming their friend.

Friend Request Vs Following Someone On Facebook:

The main difference is the limitation of interacting with the profile. You will find the facts below what it means in both cases:

🔴 Friend request:

If someone sends you a friend request and you accept their request, then you both agree indirectly that you know each other.

As soon as you accept the request, both of you end up following each other. Friends on Facebook are someone whom you know personally through one of your friends are called mutual friends.

🔴 Following on Facebook:

Followers are those people who take an interest in following you even though they are outside of your real-life circle.

Facebook has an option for everything, you can control your profile just by clicking on the buttons.

You can always set limits for who should follow you.

Step 1: On the settings page, click on public posts.

click on public posts

Step 2: In the very first row, you find the ‘Who can follow me’ option.

Who can follow me’ option

Step 3: There are two options for that ‘Public’ & ‘Friends’.

If you have set the settings as ‘Public’, then anyone whose friend requests you have ignored or rejected can follow you unless and until you block them.

Why Can’t I Add Someone On Facebook But Only Follow:

These are the following reasons behind this:

1. Friend Request Limitations

If this happens that you can’t add someone on Facebook but only follow them, it may be because you have reached your friend request limit.

For this, it’s better to cancel any pending friend requests that you have sent to other people. Now, you can try sending a friend request again after some time.

2. Blocked or Unfriended

When you can’t add someone on Facebook but only follow them, it may be because they have blocked or unfriended you. This means that they have removed you from their friend list, and you won’t be able to send them a friend request.

So, now you must check if you can still see their profile, posts, and updates. If not, then it’s likely that they have blocked you.

3. Mutual Friends

You won’t be able to add someone on Facebook but only follow them if you don’t have any mutual friends.

So, for this, be sure to check if you have any mutual friends with the person you want to add. If not, then you won’t be able to send them a friend request, but you can still follow their public posts.

Disclaimer: This article is for educational purposes only; users should use the mentioned apps and methods responsibly and at their own risk, ensuring they are not used for any illegal or unethical activities.

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