You can check someone’s last seen on Telegram even if it’s hidden by following the “Online” status next to their name.
You can try using in-chat actions like typing or recording audio as additional indicators of someone’s activity. Open a chat and look for “typing…” or “recording audio…” below their name, ensuring the person is actively engaging in the conversation.
How To See Someone’s Last Seen On Telegram If Hidden:
Here are some methods that you can use to track the last seen of other people on Telegram:
1. Online Status Changes
You have to look at the term “Online” next to their name even if “Last Seen” is hidden. Now, keep Telegram open, and check periodically for the “Online” status in your chat. But, this requires constant attention; only shows if they are online now, not their last seen time.
2. In-Chat Actions
You can use in-chat actions like typing or recording audio as indicators of someone’s activity. Just, open a chat, and look for “typing…” or “recording audio…” below their name. This works only if the person is actively typing or recording; won’t show if they’re just scrolling.
3. Group Chat Indicators
You can use group chats to indirectly gauge someone’s online status. Now, join a group they are part of, and observe their interactions (read messages, reactions). This works only if you share a group; may not be accurate if the person doesn’t interact in the group.